by Kay | Aug 6, 2018 | Laughter, Purposeful Parenting
Because back to school is now greeting us at several places of business we frequent, here’s a little poem for those who might be feeling a teensy bit overwhelmed by the prospect of what’s just around the corner. Especially for those who might not be...
by Kay | Jul 27, 2016 | Laughter, Purposeful Parenting
I recently was reminded about an article I did a few years back in DMagazine’s DMom on hashtag musings. It made me chuckle. So – much to the chagrin of my kids who can’t help but roll eyes at their #soyesterday #notcooI mom – I added a few new and am recycling...
by Kay | May 23, 2016 | Laughter
Leaving a graduation ceremony and subsequent reception last night, I glanced at the clock, “Wow, that lasted a long time.” “I’m sorry,” said my daughter riding shotgun. “Why are you sorry?” I nonchalantly asked. Then quickly realizing that I was entering the strange...
by Kay | May 5, 2016 | ... on life, Laughter
Hi. My name is Kay. I have definitely been MIA. (And apparently, I”m a poet – this is where I need a laughing-crying emoji. Seriously, I think I could communicate 100% emoji, kind of like hieroglyphics- or not. But that’s another story for another...
by Kay | Oct 6, 2015 | ... on life, becuase if you don't laugh, you just might cry
Yesterday was my birthday. And according to many of my very heart-warming and wonderful Facebook/text/email/phone messages (thank you for ALL the b-day love!!), it’s a “landmark day.” Yes, I’m 50. Though fifty could feel old (I must admit I’ve...
by Kay | Aug 24, 2015 | ... on life, becuase if you don't laugh, you just might cry, Uncategorized
Like a blast of arctic air, the end of summer has smacked us in the face – leaving us stunned, feeling like the Bullet Train has literally hit and run. (Can someone get the license plate on that thing?!) Good-bye lazy, hazy days of summer. Hello crazy,...