by Kay | Feb 25, 2014 | Laughter
During yesterday’s breakfast rush, one of mine sat down to scarf waffles before racing to the car so we could be on time to school. We actually left the house last week without one of the slower school-goers. I wonder if they will ever learn that I actually mean...
by Kay | Feb 13, 2014 | ... on life, ...on family, Laughter
Still bumbling along my new road of follow-through rather good-intentions. It hasn’t been pretty, but I have taken steps. Teeny-tiny, sometimes microscopic, baby steps. But steps, nonetheless. This morning, getting past the many months of good intentions to go...
by Kay | Feb 3, 2014 | Laughter, Purposeful Parenting, Uncategorized
“She said she hated me and I was the worst mother in the world,” my friend told me after recounting her daughter’s response to a “so not fair” grounding that resulted from some seriously bad choices. It’s funny, because I had just...
by Kay | Dec 9, 2013 | ... on life, Laughter, Purposeful Parenting
It’s Day 4 of Ice on the ground here in Dallas. Schools are closed. The kids are still asleep. Even the youngest, who awoke on Day 1 way before anyone else, has given in to hibernation. And, what’s a mom to do with all the peace and quiet? Clean the house?...
by Kay | Nov 18, 2013 | ... on life, becuase if you don't laugh, you just might cry
“So, what do you think about lunch next week?” my friend asks me over the phone. We had been catching up while I drove north to the West Plano Costco. I love Costco. Sam’s is great, too. But we had weekend visitors headed our way. One of which happens to be my...
by Kay | Nov 11, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith, Laughter
“I put some brownies in your refrigerator,” my very nice new friend kindly informed me. We were standing in my entry-way. “You did?” I smiled. “I can’t stay for lunch,” she continued, “but I wanted to bring something for dessert for those who can. Thanks so much for...