| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma
Table Talk – Meaningful Work by Barbara Johnson

Table Talk – Meaningful Work by Barbara Johnson

Today’s Table Talk is by my good friend Barbara Johnson. For years I’ve heard story after story about the crazy jobs her husband has laid on her boys. He’s completely counter-cultural in his approach and has endured many an eye-roll from his family. ...
1 Down, 3 To Go

1 Down, 3 To Go

Our September Hospitality Month is coming to an end and only one child has started and completed the task. Friday rolled around much faster than Speed Police expected. Either that or she is so accustomed to things “appearing” or happening on their own, she...
That Nagging Calendar Thing…

That Nagging Calendar Thing…

My CMD (Calendar Mismanagement Disorder) has been flaring up this week. Plagued by this relentless disease (disability, disorder… whatever), it’s amazing I get anything done. Monday was Teen Take-Out’s orthodontist appointment. When I’ve said...
We Got a Pet!!

We Got a Pet!!

“Where’s Dad?” “He went to the pet store”, Sister Save-A-Lot said, trying to nonchalantly repress a giggle. Jon going to a pet store is definitely a funny idea. Dick’s, Academy, Fry’s, Golf Smith … those I’d...
I’ll Take “Parties” for $50

I’ll Take “Parties” for $50

Hi.  My name is Kay. I’m a recovering enabler, grammar hacker, procrastinator and calendar mismanger (along with SO many other things). I’m on a journey to move my kids from enabled to empowered, one month at a time. September is our month to learn...
Party Planning

Party Planning

“Mom?” implored Teen Take-Out as I picked up his call. “Where are you?” I was 5 minutes late picking up the kid at school. Normally I sit outside waiting for at least 15 (texting “I’m here.”, “I’m waiting.”...

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