by Kay | Jul 10, 2010 | around the house
My job postings have been available for months. Today… I finally had a taker! TTO, in need of some green stash to pay for his monthly iPhone fees came looking for an odd job or two. (Oh happy day. XBox has been put back in the box unless friends are over and...
by Kay | Jul 2, 2010 | around the house
“What would you and Dad think about me selling my X-Box plus all my games and upgrading to the new iPhone?” Teen Take-Out floated days before leaving to Branson and Kanakuk-Golf. It took every ounce of my being to stop an excited, “Are you kidding?!!...
by Kay | Jun 29, 2010 | ... on life, around the house
I have to confess. Today I had time out. I gave it to myself. Not for bad behavior. Just because I wanted to … and because my friend invited a few of us over for lunch … to her house! I didn’t get to spend as much time with them as I would...
by Kay | Jun 28, 2010 | around the house, kids & work
“Mom, can you come get us,” asked Speed Police who was stranded with her friend at one of the local shopping areas. (now that her working money is growing, I guess we’ve moved into a new era — shopping!) Since our summer is packed full of...
by Kay | Jun 18, 2010 | around the house
This post isn’t about us sharing. It’s about others sharing with us :) When you’re living the lazy, super flexible, unscheduled life – you never know what’s around the corner. This week, we spent several hours playing with other...
by Kay | Jun 9, 2010 | around the house
Tonight when I retrieved Sister Save-Alot from a friend’s house, I was yet again hit by a facet associated with our experiment that took me to one of those light-bulb capped “ahh-ha” moments. Sister Save-Alot had been sharing an earful about our...