My CMD (Calendar Mismanagement Disorder) has been flaring up this week. Plagued by this relentless disease (disability, disorder… whatever), it’s amazing I get anything done.
She got in the car.
“Honey… Oh… I’m SO sorry.” Pause. Silence. “Was I the only parent not there?”
“I really messed up.” Pause. “Can you forgive me? … Am I the worst mother?”
She looks at me. “You’re a great mother. — You just need to work on your forgetting.”
She shot a cute little sheepish, winsome smile and I knew all was okay.
Such is life in a big family. When I was about her age, the produce manager a the Piggly Wiggly had to call my mother. Between the time she & I had finished loading the groceries in the car and I rolled the cart back to the front of the store, she had forgotten I was with her. I watched my mom drive away in disbelief, sort of. Then went to our friend by the bananas and asked if he could call home for me. She came back. I forgave her. We all still laugh about it.
Little curve balls reveal our parenting imperfections. They assist in teaching lessons about flexibility. Lessons about perseverance and problem solving. You can either let those things define you or grow you.
Sister Save-A-Lot and Teen Take-Out both got a chance to see my true colors waving in the wind this week. The biggest lesson is one about infallibility – a characteristic 100% out of my realm, but the essence of the One in whom we have faith. I’m so grateful to be able to share that, unlike me, He will never leave them at the grocery store, forget their reports or need someone else to manage His calendar. No…. He alone is sufficient.
As I was driving today, I glanced in my side mirror and smiled at what I saw.

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