by Kay | Sep 19, 2012 | around the house
As always, I love it when you guys forward me articles. Today’s Heard on the Street offers small bits of two interesting perspectives on subjects near and dear to our hearts – our kids. First an article about Instagram published on CNET this week. Michelle...
by Kay | Sep 7, 2012 | around the house, Uncategorized
While the parents are striving for American Dreaming (American Dreaming, by way of the stairs), the kids are dreaming of a way out – a responsibility-free way of life. Apparently, the grass is greener if you you’re living, not on the other side, but on the...
by Kay | Jul 23, 2012 | around the house, kids & work
I can barely believe that August is just around the corner. I can almost feel school breathing down my neck…. eek! Have I mentioned how much I love summer. That I just might live for summer. Okay, “living” for it might be a tad dramatic… but...
by Kay | Jun 27, 2012 | around the house, Uncategorized
David McCullough, Jr. nailed society with his Generation-Special speech. Now The New Yorker has written a lengthy article on the subject of society and it’s trend toward “spoiling”, dare we say emasculating a more than capable group of kids –...
by Kay | Jun 25, 2012 | around the house, becuase if you don't laugh, you just might cry, Laughter, Uncategorized
Rarely do I get a minute to myself. Especially in the summer. Don’t get me wrong; I’m a mother that lives for the summer and carefree schedules. I could never homeschool. My kids would be incredibly dull and light-years behind their peers academically...
by Kay | Jun 19, 2012 | around the house, Uncategorized
I ran into this quote yesterday and wanted to share it for 2 reasons. First, I love donuts. It’s terrible, but I do. Between college and kids, I rarely ate the darn things. Only when someone (possibly me) brought them to work would I partake, usually regretting...