by Kay | Jun 10, 2017 | kids & work, Purposeful Parenting, Uncategorized
Cleaning House Boot Camp: Week 1 “Get ready for some good food, Mom,” dinner-kid shouted to me from the kitchen. “I’m such a good cook, I already have my own bakery. It’s called Jack’s bakery.” “You’re making dinner,” his sister reminded him, shaking her head at...
by Kay | May 8, 2013 | kids & work, Purposeful Parenting
As May begins to make us crazy like December so often does, here’s a little inspiration from the headlines to remind us that we have plenty of able (not saying eager) bodies around to pitch in. Plus it will be good for them. And might offer incentive for all of...
by Kay | Aug 6, 2012 | kids & work
Summer is sadly barreling to a close for the Wyma family. The kids’ school begins next week (ohhh… say it ain’t so!!) One of the kids has been toiling away the entire summer, preparing for his academic year ahead. He’s amazing that way. I think...
by Kay | Jul 23, 2012 | around the house, kids & work
I can barely believe that August is just around the corner. I can almost feel school breathing down my neck…. eek! Have I mentioned how much I love summer. That I just might live for summer. Okay, “living” for it might be a tad dramatic… but...
by Kay | Jun 8, 2012 | kids & work, Uncategorized
Summer is well under way as are all the free time opportunities. What are you kids up to? Because there’s more than x-Box to fill the empty spaces. Time Magazine reported this week that the job market offers a few options for those that are willing. Here’s...
by Kay | May 18, 2012 | kids & work, Uncategorized
As usual, be careful if you are friends with me, let alone related, because I just might be compelled to share your story. This one I’m super excited to share, not because it’s fun to hear that this family (my brother and sister-in-law) is working, but...