by Kay | Oct 8, 2010 | ...on family
Just for the fun of it … and because the little guy sneaks in under the radar as we deal with our older kid issues, here’s some dirt on Jack … or should I say “Enigma” because he really is a joy almost 100% of the time. I feel for the...
by Kay | Oct 4, 2010 | ...on family, around the house
Hi my name is Kay. I’m a recovering enabler, procrastinator, grammar hacker – and am calendar challenged. I discovered today that in addition to all that (plus much more), I’m a recovering controller. (Alright, so I already knew that … I just...
by Kay | Oct 1, 2010 | ... on life, ...on family
Last night a dear friend of mine went home to be with the Lord. Dottie Wicker, in her mid 80’s, was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. She met the diagnosis like she did everything in her life – yellow, like the color of her house. I’m not sure I...
by Kay | Sep 29, 2010 | ... on life
The word was uttered. It wasn’t just a passing comment. He said it, and meant it. To his father … no doubt. The infraction occurred on Saturday, after a suspiciously disrespectful evening with a sitter. Now, I know my kids are old enough to watch...
by Kay | Sep 27, 2010 | ... on life, around the house
Our September Hospitality Month is coming to an end and only one child has started and completed the task. Friday rolled around much faster than Speed Police expected. Either that or she is so accustomed to things “appearing” or happening on their own, she...
by Kay | Sep 24, 2010 | ... on life, around the house, Laughter
My CMD (Calendar Mismanagement Disorder) has been flaring up this week. Plagued by this relentless disease (disability, disorder… whatever), it’s amazing I get anything done. Monday was Teen Take-Out’s orthodontist appointment. When I’ve said...