| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma
“Bored” Chores

“Bored” Chores

In our home growing up, there were a few words/phrases that you just didn’t say.   In April’s post, “By the Root“, I shared one of the taboo’d.  The word “shut-up“.  (Maybe my mom won’t see it if its written super...
Coming Clean

Coming Clean

Hi.  My name is Kay and I’m a recovering enabler, procrastinator, grammar hacker, and, well …. slob. (I’ve made GREAT strides on that last one :) Recently, I Facebooked my college roommate, Susan.  I felt compelled to offer yet another apology for...
Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

(View from Sat. night’s meal) Ahhhh. Welcome back to reality. If I had any doubt that our girls’ weekend was over, last night’s meal solidified the fact. Was the food delicious? Sure. Sister Save-A-Lot helped whip up a keeper: pork tenderloin, rice...
Truth Be Told…

Truth Be Told…

Hopefully, I’m equitable if nothing else – ready to point out my challenges as well as the kids’. This week has provided ample opportunity for me to showcase my skills as a slacker, flake, & enabler. Slacker: We’ve actually eaten out every...
By the Root

By the Root

After hearing his sister’s menu for the evening: “Why don’t you buy everyone’s meal tonight?” Teen Take-Out asks. “I want to make mashed potatoes, chicken & corn.” “Can I have a side of cereal?” “No. You...

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