Today’s guest post is a video by my thirteen-year-old daughter. Inspired by last week’s old lady video, she was all over the chance to share what goes through a kid’s mind when faced with a chore … even a chore that directly benefits them.



Heard on the Street…

MOAT Mica sent this to me yesterday:

“Have you heard about iallowance?…the greatest app ever invented! When I saw the girls this afternoon, the first thing one of them said was ‘Mom – I earned 2 stars this morning’. Stars are worth no money, mind you and it was for making her bed and taking her vitamins (which we usually have to ask her 7 times to do and she usually only does it to get us off her back.) Stars earn her rewards like Starbucks or getting her nails done. There’s is a free app version, but you can keep track of multiple kids, bank and chores on the $4 version. Jeanie told me about it.” … Thanks, Mica for sharing it with us!!!

iallowance app

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