Hard to believe, but the worker bees were buzzing this weekend. Actually, they amazed me at their tenacity and determination to not only get that table up and running, but to clear the front yard in hopes of a volleyball and soccer haven.
I wonder if in their imaginations, they picture hordes of players coming to the yard armed with balls for their respective sports – a la Kevin Costner’s Field of Dreams. I’m not sure they’ve calculated into their equation the time needed for new grass to be ready for scampering feet. But, the work this crew accomplished was commendable.
Operation Ping Pong
Bright and early Saturday morning… they started clearing the garage.
On Friday, we called Genesis Women’s Shelter Benefit Thrift Store. For years we’ve supported this terrific organization that provides safety and counseling for women caught in an abusive environment. Not too long ago, we even had the opportunity to direct a close friend their way. We knew it was an amazing place, but had no idea how significantly they touch lives. They literally gave our friend her life back.
A great guy named Billy owns a moving company. Each Saturday he donates his day and truck to pick up furniture and other large items people want to donate to the Genesis Benefit Thrift Store. I couldn’t believe our luck, but they had time to get us on their schedule for Saturday afternoon. This gave us a deadline, plus huge incentive to get the garage cleared before their arrival.
Busy team work.
Slow Walker, who had morphed into Super Stud, worked like an ant. Somehow the kid moved things that weighed as much if not more than him.
Our big pile of treasure, ready to go.
Billy and his big truck driving away with the loot.
Code Name Volleyball
When you’re on a roll… why stop?Again, they were incentivized by someone willing to haul the rocks away. Do you remember my friend Kay? The one who so nicely scheduled Teen Take-Out’s orthodontist appointment (
That Nagging Calendar Thing) and even got him to school (her child is in TTO’s class)? She knew about our pending family projects and shared that she could use some rocks for her yard. Perfect!
Her husband brought his trailer and a couple able-bodied teens (that had spent the night together after burning it at both ends the day before on their Fair Day and going to the movie).
Fair Chum riding shotgun.
(should be interesting to see where “Sanja” pops up!)
TTO refused to be photographed working … but boy did they work. Funny, though, how those teen-types complain about work while their younger compadres hop to, eager to watch the fruit of their labor unfold.
These kids were on this project like bees to a hive.
Almost all of the stones have been removed.
They still need to tend to the border, but the hardest part of the job has been handled.
What could be better than a dirty kid.
So there you have it. One productive weekend. Two family projects successfully completed (almost). A few sporadic emotional outbursts (the kind blaming someone else kind, or stating the obvious injustice as one kid hauls four chairs while another only one). But, on the whole, great teamwork.
Super Stud revealed his true colors…one hard worker. Our challenge – to take that passion and tenacity and steer it toward productive projects. Then help him learn how to stay positive and avoid sinking into the Slow Walker stubbornness that can sometimes accompany an intense personality.
I think we need to live on a farm.
Thanks for walking the road with me.
Ping Pong Anyone?
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the kids are very cute. God bless them