by Kay | Sep 26, 2011 | Heard on the Streed, kids & work, Uncategorized
I knew something was up a few days ago when our car jolted a bit at the green light. Whatever little fire it might have been had yet to reach blaze status… so I ignored it. Until last night when my friend Missy yelled as I was pulling away from a meeting,...
by Kay | Sep 9, 2011 | kids & work
My (our) friend Brenna Stull shared such an applicable exhortation in her monthly newsletter that I received today, I emailed her to ask if I could share. I found it inspiring… and encouraging. Because, at times I feel a bit lonely on this road. Probably because...
by Kay | Sep 7, 2011 | ...on family, kids & work
I’m on a bit of a Dorothy Sayers kick. She packed such a punch with just about every topic she picked… one of which was work. So, our Table Talk for the week will be the following excerpt from her essay, “Why Work”. The essay was originally an...
by Kay | Aug 22, 2011 | kids & work
A DOAT (that would be Dad of Adolescents and Teens) sent me a link to the following article by Rabbi Abraham Cooper on entitled “Could LA’s Jay Goldinger Hold the Key to Defeating Homelessness.” (click HERE for the link) The article...
by Kay | Jul 27, 2011 | kids & work
My kids have a love/hate relationship with our dentist. They absolutely adore everyone that works in the office, including our dentist. They aren’t so crazy about cavities. So, when they get the call that they’re on deck for a cleaning, it’s met with...
by Kay | Jul 21, 2011 | kids & work
Welcome to my world of forgetfulness and frustration. Among my many recovery programs (the enabling, procrastination, controlling, grammar hacking, …) forgetfulness stays at the top of the heap. Plaguing me almost daily, often multiple times a day, my propensity...