Back to School Bracket
It’s that time of year again – the time when a day evaporates in an hour with lazy and hazy being quickly replaced by crazy days. Summer is over.
In recognition of all that vies for our attention and in an effort to find sanity in the midst, welcome to the 1st Annual Back-to-School Office Pool – or call it like it is: Car-Pool. With End of Summer’s tournament in high gear and first rounds completed, we’ve swept through the Sweet 16 in the bracket of what will get attention...

An Ode to Back to School
Because back to school is now greeting us at several places of business we frequent, here’s a little poem for those who might be feeling a teensy bit overwhelmed by the prospect of what’s just around the corner. Especially for those who might not be friends with all the forms and appointments and having to be places. Yeah, those things. Plus there are the try-outs, the work-outs, the worries (who will be my teacher) and concerns (when do the schedules come out), the ...

Re-Purposing Overwhelmed
I’ve never been a fan of Life’s Overwhelmed – the one that feeds on stress, pressures, expectations and circumstances. The one that masquerades as life’s new normal.
In my younger years, I took performance pressure’s bait – hook, line and sinker. Then tried to control the landscape by joining my skinny High School locker-buddy on a diet that eventually landed us with eating disorders. Thankfully, Truth – with all its grace and hope and peace and joy – showed up and did what...

An Interruption
This week has been exceptionally difficult for a few families in our neck of the woods. Unexpected and sudden tragedy entered the picture. And relationships were interrupted.
For one family, very regular plans for twin brothers enjoying their last summer with friends before entering college when tragedy intervened. The kids had been playing a game, counting & comparing how many seconds they could hold their breath under water when a girl, who happened to be a life guard,...

Welcome to the MOATBLOG’s fresh-new look. There might be a few minor tweaks to be done here and there – but I love it. There’s something about a fresh-new look that feels special and refreshing as we melt here in the staggering Dallas heat.
A fresh-new look can go a long way – be it a blog, a haircut, paint on walls or even a closet.
Last week, Barton decided to re-fresh her space. One of her friends calls Barton’s room the tree-house. Covered with windows,...