Practicing neighborly love with Sarah Harmeyer

Practicing neighborly love with Sarah Harmeyer

How can it be February already?! Where did January go? And should I admit that our Christmas tree is still up? (eek!) It’s coming down today – or not.

February is such a great month.

Unique to February, it is the only month with less than thirty days. And, interestingly enough, smack dab in the center of it (literally) is a holiday celebrating love. Which is especially nice after January with its well-intentioned resolutions likely long gone by now.

Resets and resolutions...

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A Peek Behind the Veil

A Peek Behind the Veil

“How was your vacation?” a friend asked us yesterday. “Did you go anywhere?” I looked at my daughter standing next to me. We both shook our heads and smile-sighed. It seems like the holiday was months ago.

Sometimes life instantly ramps up and time goes into a weird hyper-drive that is slow motion at the same time. Those times when a day feel like a year and a year speeds by in a day. A time warp that is crazy, but safe. Like in Mario Kart when the bullet-award...

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Soul-Hydration for Holiday Stress & Pressure and Weekend Giveaway

Soul-Hydration for Holiday Stress & Pressure and Weekend Giveaway

For some perspective-TRUTH and soul hydration as we near the holiday that brings with it JOY, PEACE, HOPE filled with and anchored by the kind of love that is wide and long and high and deep, exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ever imagine – here are a few things I’ve gotten to share on web.

TODAY parenting:


Ten days and counting.

I was kindly reminded of this fact while driving carpool. A sweet family...

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Point of Light – George H.W. Bush, a true American Hero

Point of Light – George H.W. Bush, a true American Hero

In the mid ‘80s when Ronald Reagan was President, then Vice President George H.W. Bush came to our home town for an event or two that my civically-minded and servant dad spearheaded.  I don’t remember specifics, but a few things I do.

I remember my mom inviting the Bush Advance team over for dinner, offering to wash their clothes since she knew they traveled pretty much non-stop. We gathered around the dining room table that sits in my dining room today and ate whatever she was cooking...

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Don’t judge, accentuate the positive and more with June Hunt

Don’t judge, accentuate the positive and more with June Hunt

With Joy to the World on the tips of our tongues as December sits right around the corner, why not go to a great source of wisdom for her take on joy-filled days. We’re so lucky to have June Hunt in Dallas. And she was a dear to spend some time with Brenda Teele, Julie Hildebrand and I in the car – dear and brave!

We asked her to share her top five tips to a joy-filled life, all of which I hope will encourage each of us today.

Here’s the vodcast:

or podcast:

Thanks for walking...

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Kay Wyma
WELCOME to themoatblog, a space driven by stories, laughter, and hope so that we never walk (or drive) life’s road alone.
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Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART

Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART

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Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART


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