by Kay | May 31, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith, Purposeful Parenting
You know you’re ready for summer when sitting outside Michaels waiting for a kid to emerge from her search for end of the year project necessities feels like a beach moment. When a shady parking spot, a strong breeze blowing in through open windows and the hum of...
by Kay | Apr 29, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith, ...on family, ...on hope
On Wednesday last week, I called my mom to let her know I was running a tiny bit late. I instantly knew by her pause that something had happened. She forced words through a tight throat of stifled sobs, “Lucia didn’t wake up this morning.” Sweet Lucia. One of...
by Kay | Apr 22, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith
Today’s entry is a tiny bit diff. It’s something from my sister-in-law (BFF) who lives in Georgia. They too decided to stay-cation for their spring break this year. And after reminiscing of our roller skating days and Lessons from the Roller Rink, she and...
by Kay | Apr 15, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith
We have a new friend. Her name is Tabasco. We didn’t name her. In fact, no one is sure who did. Tabasco, a sweet little calico cat, roams my parent’s block. The next-door neighbor feeds her. Every kid on the block searches for her … so they can play with her. My kids...
by Kay | Mar 29, 2013 | ...on faith, ...on family
From your local slacker blogger for the week (you guys think I’m not as flaky as I claim to be … but I am…. my week really got away from me) a message on Easter – from a special place. A couple months ago, an incredibly talented friend asked me...
by Kay | Dec 31, 2012 | ...on faith, Purposeful Parenting, Uncategorized
December 31st tends to leave me a bit uneasy. I can’t help but look back at the year and wonder how it went. Did I accomplish anything? Did we weather well the bumps in our road? Did I grow?… at least in the right areas? Did I shrink? Was I a good friend?...