by Kay | Aug 1, 2020 | ... on life, ...on hope, Uncategorized
A friend touched base yesterday, checking in to see how we’re doing. She was such an encouragement as she entered into our sphere while welcoming me into hers. We laughed, we cried and we prayed. She’s a safe place to do such things. Do you have a safe...
by Kay | Aug 11, 2016 | ... on life, ...on hope
On a recent drive down Florida’s I-95, I turned to the passenger riding shot-gun, “It seems kind of boring and ugly and sort of claustrophobic, doesn’t it.” Relentlessly guarded by a wall of trees, the road leaves a lot to the imagination. “All of the above,” she...
by Kay | Jan 6, 2014 | ... on life, ...on hope
Should I admit that every night last week we (well, the girls and I) parked ourselves in front of PBS’s replay of Downton Abbey Season III? That we might have shaken our heads in anger whenever Thomas or O’Brien (good riddance, by the way!) sneaked in the...
by Kay | Dec 11, 2013 | ... on life, ...on hope
Today’s Table Talk is by my friend Elisa Morgan. What a treat and an honor to have her share with us from her heart. She has written a new book that not only is a pleasure to read, but also brings out in the open issues/hurt that so often people try to hide and...
by Kay | Apr 29, 2013 | ... on life, ...on faith, ...on family, ...on hope
On Wednesday last week, I called my mom to let her know I was running a tiny bit late. I instantly knew by her pause that something had happened. She forced words through a tight throat of stifled sobs, “Lucia didn’t wake up this morning.” Sweet Lucia. One of...