| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma
So Life Will Go Well With You

So Life Will Go Well With You

“Smell my hand…” Never a good idea when offered by a boy. But I did … hesitantly. “Oh my word!” I reeled back, wishing I could un-smell whatever I had just smelled. “Ohhhhhh… sick!… Ohhhhh-ewww!!!” Muffled laughter preceded an, “I know. It’s gross,...
“Bad Parenting”

“Bad Parenting”

“She said she hated me and I was the worst mother in the world,” my friend told me after recounting her daughter’s response to a “so not fair” grounding that resulted from some seriously bad choices. It’s funny, because I had just...
Required Field Revelations

Required Field Revelations

It’s Day 4 of Ice on the ground here in Dallas. Schools are closed. The kids are still asleep. Even the youngest, who awoke on Day 1 way before anyone else, has given in to hibernation. And, what’s a mom to do with all the peace and quiet? Clean the house?...
Letting Greatness Blossom

Letting Greatness Blossom

As a mom, it can be hard to remember who you were before the invasion of little people. You know, when you could think complete thoughts. When you could sleep through the night, go to a movie on a whim, stop on the song that you like. The days when you got stuff done....

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