by Kay | Aug 4, 2017 | ... on life, Contentment, Purposeful Parenting
Sure death and taxes are inevitable, but so is change. I don’t about you, but we’ve got a lot going on in this house. New schools (new college, new high school, middle school), new teachers for everyone, Driver’s Ed, teams, hair styles, puberty (‘nuff said!) …...
by Kay | Aug 29, 2015 | ... on life, ...on family, Comparison, Contentment, Purposeful Parenting
As long lines, endless forms and other back-to-school pressures weigh heavily on the minds of kids and parents alike, it’s time to start searching for ways to dial it down. So, in the aisle during one of our multiple trips to Office Depot, amidst eye-rolls,...
by Kay | Aug 12, 2015 | ... on life, Contentment, Purposeful Parenting
On Monday, I had such a fun time getting to chat with Chris Fabry on his life radio program from Moody in Chicago. Actually, it has been a privilege throughout the summer to be able to chat with several terrific hosts about the topic of finding contentment in the...
by Kay | Jul 29, 2015 | ... on life, Comparison, Contentment, Purposeful Parenting
“I’m not on social media or Facebook or anything,” a friend told me yesterday when we bumped into each other at the grocery store. Both of us racing in for a quick-grab (that instantly became not-so-quick) stopped & paused to catch up....
by Kay | May 7, 2015 | ... on life, Comparison, Contentment
Hot news yesterday – Kylie Jenner confesses to using ‘lip fillers’ for plump pout as reported by countless media outlets.This from NY Daily News: Her insecurity reflected through her fans, who tried their best to mimic her new look through the Kylie Jenner Lip...
by Kay | Apr 18, 2015 | ... on life, ...on faith, Contentment
I have comparison on the brain. And I know I’ll have it on my mind for at least the next month and then some (a little something to do with book marketing obligation/privilege.) But – apparently, I’m not the only one. And that’s good news. We never have to go...