What a treat for us today. My sweet friend Susan Ligon posted a question on her Facebook page. It got me and many others thinking; so I asked if she would share her thoughts with us here. I hope we can all take a minute to stop long enough to consider what in our lives less would equal more. What do you think?

Thanks for sharing, Susan! … and thanks for walking the road with me.



Well, it’s the new year again. Time for fresh starts and renewed focus on fruits and veggies. I found myself contemplating what recalibrations I’d like to make, and realized that while I’d been lamenting how time with my boys at home was waning, I’d become even less purposeful as a mom. I wanted some things to look differently around our home, and I knew that it had to begin with me. Thus began my list of Mom Resolutions.  I’m still adding to these – but here’s where I am today.

Less yelling, more laughing.

Less telling, more listening.

Less worry, more trust.

Less screen time, more face to face time.

Less enabling, more supporting.

Less doing for, more cheering on.

Less fast, more slow.

Less noise, more music.

Less production, more connection.

Less fretting, more praying.

Have you ever noticed that in life, less is sometimes more? Someone once told me that as a parent, the days are long but the years are short. I don’t want the blink of an eye that will be 2014 to go by without focusing on what really matters in the end.

What would you add to the list?

Susan Russell Ligon is blessed to be wife to Greg Ligon and mom to two fabulous young men.  She has worked in Christian publishing for 25 years and is the author of two books for the big brother or big sister when the new baby comes along.

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