Around our house on any given Wednesday or Thursday night, these days you just might hear a little five-year-old moan, “Naaahhht American Idol!!!”
Oh yeah… almost all of us love gathering around the television and watching our tevo’d episodes of incredibly talented young ‘uns fighting for the top pop spot and a chance at stardom. This year, the pool of talent is terrific to say the least. They all have different styles. Skyler is the country girl, Phillip – the bluesy artist, Jessica – the “bomb”, Joshua – the throwback gospel singer, and more. But my girls’ favorite is Colton – the rocker – who not only has trendy cool voice but also a dreamy stare into the camera that penetrates every little teen heart.
Last week, he was a tiny bit off his game. Who knows what was going on inside his head, but it appeared from our couch that all the hoopla and praise just might have started sinking in. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go from singing in your obscure home town to standing on the world stage with millions of viewers watching and voting. A little heady … for anyone. How could some pride not start to stick.
Needless to say, Colton Dixon sang his heart out; but his songs (as well as his clothing choices) fell flat with the judges who honestly gave constructive feedback. The words must have stung the young man who gritted his teeth and mouthed “ouch”. Backstage he said as much followed by, “Honestly, I don’t mean to sound cocky, but I don’t care.” (eeek!) The next night, a kid who had never been in the bottom three, not only found himself standing in that dreaded group, but being voted off.
Rather than buckle at the harsh reality, Colton stood in front of those judges and said, “You know what? I need to apologize. I wasn’t myself last night. And I get it. I appreciate what you told me…”
Humility is an interesting thing. It’s the one thing that God searches the earth looking to find – hearts that are humble before him.
King Solomon was one such heart – most of the time. His son following him, not so much. Rather than humbling himself before God, Rehoboam sought council from his spoiled friends. Solomon’s wise advisors tried to give the young king constructive advice, but he didn’t want to listen. Having basked in all the glory and riches of Solomon’s court, he and his friends didn’t’ find themselves humbled, but wanting more, thinking they were owed. Their haughty attitudes weren’t pretty and most certainly weren’t pleasing to the all-powerful God, the giver of all the goods they thought they deserved.
Enter Shishak, the ruthless king of Egypt. God said to the Israelites in 2 Chronicles 12:5, “You have abandoned me;” because they had pretty much thought themselves rock stars. Pride had started to stick. They didn’t care what God had to say. “therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.”
And you know what they did? They didn’t defensively whine, “that’s not fair!!” They didn’t point out the fact that under Solomon’s rule they had become the most powerful nation in the world having been bestowed every accolade imaginable. No. They humbled themselves with one simple statement, “the Lord is just”. No longer were they the center of the universe. Upon uttering that statement, they were delivered.
Hmmm… Humility. It’s not “I don’t care” what anyone else has to say, I know I’m great, I’m owed…. It’s a big long drink of “It’s not all about me”.
American Idol’s Colton took a sip. So did Rehoboam. Rather than showering our kids with tropheys and accolades, setting them up to believe the world revolves around them, maybe we need to make sure every meal has a glass of humility on the table.
Humility, not thinking less of oneself, but thinking about oneself less.
Thanks for walking the road with me.
Wow! That was good stuff…
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes:”Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.” William Temple
I’m not sure we can, nor would we want to stop thinking about ourselves at all, does God really call for that?, but your post, and that quote, certainly change our perspective. Thanks Kay and major Congratulations! I am so happy for you and thrilled to stumble upon your blog today! (thanks to Susan Young!) It will be a regular read (as will your book, I just ordered it!)