Okay, so I can’t stop myself for sharing this video, mostly because it has gone viral (over 20 million hits). Clearly this frustrated dad hits a nerve with lots of folks. He takes a stand and points out the audacity of his daughter’s entitled attitude in quite a memorable way. You’ll have to make it through some inappropriate language, but boy am I glad that this dad not only took a stand… but shared it for all to see.
Thanks to Julie for sending it my way. We certainly aren’t walking the road alone!
Warning (from Tommy Jordan, the dad): “Since this video seems to have gone crazy, I figure I’ll post this notice. I’m going to read a letter my 15 year old daughter wrote. There ARE some curse words in it. None of them are incredibly bad, but they are definitely things a little kid shouldn’t hear… not to mention things MY KID shouldn’t say!
If you want to see the original Facebook thread, it’s located at:
THAT was incredible. I hope he posts a follow-up so we can hear how it went down.
follow up:
thanks, Erika!
If this guy used a discrete monitoring service like SafeKidsPro (www.safekidspro.com) he would be alerted of all messages shared that contain threatening, sexual, offensive, derogatory and swearing content. It also alerts to cyber bullying (whether the child is the victim or perpetrator) and predatory approaches. There is no software to download or install and parents can trial it for FREE.
Technology is certainly part of the problem. Now, thankfully, it can be an important part of the solution.