I know we’ve bled into October and September’s tasks have yet to be completed. Rest assured, we’ll get there. But we did cross one of the three remaining off this weekend. Sister Save-A-Lot successfully fought the urge to copy her sister’s super fun white elephant party and hosted her friends to a cake ball party… or as her dad describes the tasty delicacies – “sugar bombs”. And that they are.
Knowing next to nothing about the trendy dessert, we went straight to MOAT resident foodie’s web site (janejarrell.com) to check out her cake ball stuff. The artistically beautiful cake balls perch themselves right at the bottom of her cooking page. (spoiler alert: the girls’ cake balls didn’t come close to looking like those cute things in heart boxes… their’s might be more in the glob category)

She didn’t have to listen to me direct.
She got to see “ingredients”… and just might opt for scratch next time.

Isn’t that the story of this whole experiment. It’s a work in progress. Putting it out there, letting them test their wings, helping them realize they can do more than they think they can, keeping them on track to complete the job – even when they hit the part that’s “not fun”.
That’s kind of my story, too. Stepping out of my comfort zone, staying on task, persevering through the challenges that just aren’t fun. It would be so much easier to check out, to rest in the status quo. But isn’t the greatest reward in traveling those challenging roads. Robert Frost had it right.
that the passing there
Thanks for walking it with me.