| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma
Moving Memories

Moving Memories

Nothing like moving to get your summer started off with a bang. Well actually to get your summer started exhausted. Exhausted and eager to purge … and reflective. Reflective and sappy. Seriously. Upon opening boxes (or “packages” as Jack so positively saw them) and...
Try, Try Again

Try, Try Again

On a plane, I was recently inspired by American Way Magazine. Apparently, I am a complete and total sap. I might have wiped a tear from my eye reading the stories. So here you go … some fuel for your equipping tanks lest our kids (or we) think that everything in life...
Remembering to Remember

Remembering to Remember

Last week I walked made my way up the stairs after a very long day. Mid-way up, I heard a couple brothers giggle-scramble to the shower, like I wouldn’t figure out that they had been goofing around rather than tending to their business. But as I ascended the last...

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