MOAT – Mostly Ordinary, Always Together

MOAT – Mostly Ordinary, Always Together

A slight change is at hand here at themoatblog – not in content (though maybe with this minor shift, content will be coming back!!) but in context.

Our house has transformed from 5 tweens & teens to no tweens and 2 teens (for a short time). And far from my aching heart’s desire (though I never would have thought that at the onset), my days in the carpool line are coming to a close.

This kid is on his way to college,

this kid high school,

and these three are young adults....

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Artist Anne Neilson on B.U.S.Y & her new devotional

Artist Anne Neilson on B.U.S.Y & her new devotional

What is more beautiful this time of years than angels? Especially Anne Neilson angels!

I mean – seriously.

Anne’s story that began with a paper she wrote in 3rd grade, that hit lots of highs, lows and lots of waiting is sure to inspire you as it did us (Brenda Teele to tears) and put wind in your sails as you travel your own journey. Hers tapped into art, raising kids, then back to writing which is why she joined our SaySomething ncarpool chat – to share about her new...

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Happy in Who We Are

Happy in Who We Are

A little something I started a few years ago as the kids started to head into adulthood (and before I say, know that the follow-through has been well-intentioned with a side of freedom to be imperfect) is to highlight a Bible for them. Not in some super-spiritual sort...

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Safe Places

Safe Places

A friend touched base yesterday, checking in to see how we’re doing. She was such an encouragement as she entered into our sphere while welcoming me into hers. We laughed, we cried and we prayed. She’s a safe place to do such things.

Do you have a safe place? A friend? a mentor? A person with whom you can share real things? A place where you don’t need answers and where you don’t have to brace yourself for answers?

I think we all need safe places.

A safe place ...

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Listening, Learning, Acting during tense days

Listening, Learning, Acting during tense days

Little acts of kindness can seem insignificant, yet they have such great impact. Especially kindness as it relates to words - spoken as well as heard.⁣ Last week my friends with SaySomething Show (our video podcast) got together to do both. We know it's hard to...

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Kay Wyma
WELCOME to themoatblog, a space driven by stories, laughter, and hope so that we never walk (or drive) life’s road alone.
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Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART

Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART

Projects & Platforms

Not The Boss Of Us, New Book by Kay Wyma

Say Something SMART

Say Something SMART


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