From our family to yours, Merry Christmas! We’re still working on addressing cards and delivering a couple of neighbor gifts – hot chocolate, better late than never, right?!. And, I might have even found a gift or two that got lost in the mix. The still unwrapped items just might be saved for a later since their absence never mattered to begin with.
As expected, the most special gifts were the ones the kids picked out and payed for each other. The best was probably this math equations nerd-shirt. The kid instantly put it on then chuckled throughout the evening at a couple of the equations. Apparently they’re real – and funny. Who knew?!
Returns have already commenced. Especially since I accidentally ordered 2 (TWO!) beanbag chairs – the special gift for 1 (ONE) kid – oops!
I thought I share a little something special with you today, too – thoughts on how Christmas informs not only a celebrated holiday, but also every day.
John Stonestreet carpool-diemed with our SaySomething crew a few weeks ago, but we saved it for Christmas. John is president of the Colson Center, cohost with Eric Metaxas of BreakPoint, and the coauthor of several books – the most recent with Brett Kunkle called: A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World.
As we celebrate the day that Hope arrived alive and well on the scene, John shares how Hope informs today and every day. Especially when things like technology, social media platforms, political impasses, strained relationships and so much more seem to be so powerfully on the scene.
“To take seriously the cultural moment without losing hope is to realize that this moment is part of a larger story. And that story ultimately is culminating in the fact that God will, in Christ, make all things new.”
I hope you enjoy his message as much as we did.
THANK YOU for joining this and so many of our other conversations! Praying many blessings for you and your family today. I SO appreciate traveling the road with you.