Today’s post is by our friend and resident teen-expert Kathleen Fischer. I meant to re-post this right after Thanksgiving when she wrote it, but – always better late than never! Seriously she’s “just asking” … I’m just sayin’.
Also, check out the link to Janet Denison’s blog where she is promoting RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) this weekend with a fun give-away. So beyond the warm-fuzzies that flow whenever we go beyond ourselves, Janet is ready to put her terrific new book in your hands, too. Mostly she hopes that everyone will share, because sharing – more often than not – inspires.
Thanks Kathleen for keeping us on our toes, thanks Janet for making serving fun … and thanks to you guys for walking the road with me.
If you’ve heard me speak, you may recall my quoting Maya Angelou who says,
“A thinking person has to ask. . . .”
So. . . I’m just asking, why is it that so many Christmas lights were up weeks before Thanksgiving? Why did so many folks have up Christmas stuff and fall decorations? And why was it a national phenomena that Black Friday began before the turkey was even cleared off the table?
Is it because we’re trying to be efficient?
Is it because we don’t really like Thanksgiving all that much and want to rush on?
Is it because we like lights and getting gifts and giving presents?
Is it because we like to shop? Or bake cookies? Or eat too much?
Is it because we like to overindulge?
The part about the lights made me think of the December my daughter went to Sweden. Although the sun went down very early, about 3 in the afternoon, she reported that decorative lights glittered everywhere. “Those Swedes really now how to deal with lots of darkness,” she noted. Is our glittery stuff related to a sense of darkness, I wonder.
The part about shopping and spending and indulging made me think of a church I heard of last holiday season. You know how church campaigns sometimes have slogans? Well, theirs was, “It’s NOT Your Birthday!” If you think about that very long, your mind just naturally carries you to, “Then whose is it?” Exactly their point, I’m sure. The challenge in that congregation was to spend as much on charity for Christmas as one spends on family. Wow! There’s something to ponder.
I’m worried. I’m worried that I saw Christmas festivities arrive so early this year. . . not because I don’t LOVE Christmas (which I DO!). I’m worried that even we adults have become child-like in our fixation on shopping and eating and splurging.
Is it possible that we’ve forgotten that it’s NOT our birthday?
I’m just asking. . . .
Kathleen M. Fischer, longtime Dallas resident and mother of three, is a registered nurse with a master’s degree. In a career spanning more than thirty- five years, she has worked in public health settings; taught in public school and at the university level; and presented professional educational seminars. Kathleen continues to be a popular speaker in corporate, professional, church and community settings, often presenting topics from her recent book, Bringing Our Boys Through the Second Decade. Check out Kathleen Fischer’s blog and website for some terrific stuff on how to love and raise your kids well.
Janet’s Christmas Contest
Check out Janet Denison’s blog for more about her super fun contest involving her book Felix Navidad. Here’s a little about what inspired her.
“I was on my treadmill praying about this blog post when I remembered a news story I had seen the night before. That is how this contest idea was born! The news story reported that a Plano Police officer pulled over a car because the registration had expired. The young owner of the car explained to the officer that he had been working hard, but he had a wife and two children and after paying his bills, he just didn’t any money left for the car registration. He knew that wasn’t a good enough excuse, but it was the truth. The officer issued him a warning and when the young man unfolded the citation a while later, out fell a $100 bill. The Plano officer was later quoted as saying, “I knew he needed it more than I did….”
Check out Janet’s contest, get your kids involved and help them learn how to celebrate whose birthday it really is :)
Great! And amen. Thanks for sharing!