
We’ve seen it on the playground. We’ve seen it in the classroom. We’ve seen it on the soccer field. We’ve seen it … well, okay, almost everywhere we can find a parent. But on college campuses?!  In the workplace?! What’s next??!

NPR’s All Things Considered aired “Helicopter Parents Hover In the Workplace” last month. Here’s a snippet. (Click above link for the full article)

“…Today, Howe says, many schools now reach out proactively to parents, going so far as to offer online homework programs that allow parents to monitor a child’s progress. Colleges have also adapted, he notes, some even creating an Office of Parent Relations.

Howe says working with engaged parents is often the better approach. “Maybe you can make the parents allies,” he says.

“The kids are calling them; they may be living with them; they’re relying on the parents for their advice. Why don’t you get the parents on your side?”

More Companies Adapting

That’s exactly what the car rental company Enterprise Holdings aims to do, says Marie Artim, vice president for Talent Acquisition.

Parents are “an influencer,” Artim says. “So if they feel more comfortable that it’s a solid, stable, growing company with a lot of opportunities, and a good culture and people who care, they’re going to feel better about encouraging their son or daughter to consider it.”

To that end, Enterprise is happy to send parents the same recruitment packages it sends their children. And when Enterprise interns present their final projects and are considering full-time positions, parents are invited in.

Other companies have even organized a “Take Your Parent to Work” day, to give moms and dads a peek at what child does at the office. …”

Yikes! It’s hard to believe it could be true. Might this snapshot inspire us all to stop the madness, land the helicopter and get our hands off the wheel.

I’m just sayin’.

Thanks for walking the equipping road with me.


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