| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma
Say it Ain’t So

Say it Ain’t So

We’ve seen it on the playground. We’ve seen it in the classroom. We’ve seen it on the soccer field. We’ve seen it … well, okay, almost everywhere we can find a parent. But on college campuses?!  In the workplace?! What’s next??!...
The Wild Ride

The Wild Ride

Parenting teens (especially those of the female persuasion), some days, okay – maybe most days – often takes on many the characteristics of an amusement park roller coaster ride. It starts with the ascent, the early morning attempt to raise a teen from coma-like...
Command Central

Command Central

Today’s guest blog is by my friend Katie Feurst. She loves her kids well. When she told me about this story a few weeks ago, I asked her to share it with everyone. In the heat of a morning moment, she realized that it’s not only about teaching kids the...

Angry Dad’s Reaction to Daughter’s Facebook Post

Okay, so I can’t stop myself for sharing this video, mostly because it has gone viral (over 20 million hits). Clearly this frustrated dad hits a nerve with lots of folks. He takes a stand and points out the audacity of his daughter’s entitled attitude in...

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