Let’s face it. As parents of tweens/teens, we just don’t have time to make it to another meeting. If we aren’t in the car shuttling, we’re at home refereeing, “encouraging” homework, reconnecting, … recovering. I wish I had more time to read the great books, to attend parenting conferences and to … well, so much more.
Welcome to MySagePage. In short video vignettes you can grab the information you need on the go. Hover your arrow over the images below to see the title then click and enjoy. Don’t miss “Just For Fun” book reviews and recipes at the bottom of the page.
(The Parenting Panel videos are from a MOAT sponsored Panel Discussion on parenting entitled “Who’s Asking Who.” The panel included Kyle & Lucina Thompson, Brett & Sheri Johnston and Herb & Lulie Thompson, all couples that purposefully parented, whose children are grown, and who are willing to authentically share what they learned along the way.)
Discipline – Specifically dealing with tween/teens
Outward Appearances/Competitive Parenting
Relating to Your Kids
Book Nook – Great book recommendations from fellow MOATs