by Kay | Nov 17, 2014 | ... on life, ...on family
To dream the impossible dream… :) “When did more than napkins fill this space?” I asked aloud as I tried to pry open an overstuffed drawer. I looked at the kid next to me who simply needed a pencil to finish his homework. Pencils and hair ties – no matter how...
by Kay | Oct 17, 2014 | ...on family, Purposeful Parenting
Y’all remember Courtney DeFeo (Lil’ Light O’Mine) who has been such an encouragement on appreciating and watching out for folks in our lives that sometimes get overlooked or underthanked? Well, she’s just written a book. And I asked her to...
by Kay | Oct 1, 2014 | ...on family, Purposeful Parenting
Some phases of life are “easier” than others. Right now, we’re in one of those remind-me-to-breathe times. I don’t know why. But in the midst of challenges, I’m always grateful that rarely does everything crumble at the same time. With...
by Kay | Jul 14, 2014 | ... on life, ...on faith, ...on family, Purposeful Parenting
It’s that time of the summer – at least for homes with school-aged kids. These are the days when we look up and see Summer’s end creeping ever closer. (boo-hoo-hoo, sob, sob, sob!!) And I watch my kids try – okay I chide them to –...
by Kay | Jul 5, 2014 | ... on life, ...on faith, ...on family
This morning I got a tiny bit side-tracked. I sat down with my cup of coffee before anyone was awake. And what do you know, but my computer was right at my fingertips. So I opened it. And I remembered something I needed to do. But, I opened iPhoto instead. I’m...
by Kay | May 6, 2014 | ... on life, ...on family
It’s that time of year again. May – Spring’s December. Because here we go, entering the craziest month of the year. The month where, at the height of exhaustion, we pile on Field Trips, Field Days, Birthday Parties (so all the summer birthday kids...