by Kay | Mar 27, 2011 | ... on life, ...on faith, Uncategorized
Well … we had it again. The car conversation.You know. The one that goes a little something like this…. “Hey. Did you see that Lamborghini?! Man…That thing is so cool. That’s what I’m getting when I grow up.” “Where?! I...
by Kay | Mar 14, 2011 | ...on faith
Sitting at the kitchen table, I heard scuffling on the monitor from across the room. I know most of you reading this have long since sold those baby listening devices in garage sales, or tossed them in the GoodWill box – but we still have ours. Why? – you...
by Kay | Feb 21, 2011 | ... on life, ...on faith
For me? If faced with orders from the commander to enter a combat zone, I’d prefer to be on the Clara Barton end of military service. Caring for the wounded. Bringing water to those in need. Comforting the active soldiers. Participating … even actively...
by Kay | Nov 5, 2010 | ...on faith, ...on family
Today’s Table Talk is by MOAT friend Sheriff Daniel. Sheriff is a pastor in Calcutta, India. We met Sheriff in 2009 when he was in Dallas for a training session at Dallas Theological Seminary through GPA. We were Sheriff’s host family. Poor thing had to...
by Kay | Oct 21, 2010 | ... on life, ...on faith
Every couple months, we get the amazing joy and privilege of having Jon’s dad, Dick, come visit. To say he blesses us in an understatement. He’s in an interesting spot in life. After acting as Field Chairman for New Tribes Mission in Bolivia for a few...
by Kay | Aug 30, 2010 | ...on faith
When we celebrated Mom & Dad’s 50th wedding anniversary last weekend, I was moved by this very sweet picture of my mom and her dad. Dorsey King Barnes, fondly known by pretty much everyone as Corkey, was a much loved orthopedic surgeon in Dallas. If...