A little about Me…
I’m Kay, a mother of five beautiful and overall agreeable children and wife to one terrific, sometimes overly safety-conscious, guy. I’m calendar challenged and am a founding member of the Women’s Auxiliary for the Organizationally Impaired. Sometimes I’m caught singing rather robustly with hand motions while driving the many carpool miles I’ve logged on my car. In my head, I look & sound good – ready to audition for The Voice. My children might disagree – vehemently – embarrassed.
I’m very regular, but along the way interesting things have happened. My resume includes great places to work (because of the people, not the place) including The White House, The Staubach Company, & Bank of America. But, though it involves weathering many an eyeroll, I best love most my job as mom. With every trip to the DMV to encourage a scared 16yo with the same “you can do this” they’ve heard/endured over the years, my heart breaks a little. I know all too well that the days of them sitting close next to me are quickly coming to en end. (cue the tears)
One of the interesting things that happened a few years ago is this blog. You see, I never would have considered myself a writer. But I do love people. And I was so bothered by the way pressures of the world – pressures that so often are fleeting and fake – have such power to suck joy out of everyday situations. It didn’t take much to realize that I’m not alone. And I figured why travel it alone. So I pretended like I was 10 years younger than I am and joined the blogging world. Who knew that a couple of books would come from it. Or that some incredible fun opportunities to chat with folks who know a lot more than I do would dot my calendar.
Which leads to a new favorite activity – the Say Something Show, a-come-as-you-are vodcast for walking life’s roads (relationships, friendship, parenting, hardship, entertainment,…) together. It’s a spot similar to this blog, but without all the reading.
So – the moatblog (as in Mothers of Adolescents & Teens putting a moat around our homes, together) is a come-as-you-are sort of spot where regular rules. Because around these parts, we really like each other and our friends just the way they are – each in their own you-nique – endowed by the Lord – beautiful gifting.
Thanks for walking the road with me – no road should ever be walked (or driven) alone :)
p.s. If you live here or if you’re ever in Dallas on a Tuesday morning, we would LOVE for you to join the conversation at Neighborhood Studies where a group of gals gather each week to contemplate together God’s Word and His love for us. It’s a very regular, open & honest environment like I hope this blog is.
Questions, Comments & Suggestions are always welcome! I can never claim to have the corner on anything. Feel free to email comments using the secure form below, or you can always email me at: jkwyma@gmail.com