Being the calendar-challenged person that I am, or it could simply be the flaky-factor that seems pervasive in all I do (or forget to do) – I kind of forgot that the super wonderful folks at Focus on the Family are airing a conversation we had about finding contentment in a comparison/ultra-competitive world.
I have to tell you – those folks at Focus are the real deal. They are in it for us. They’re in it to spread the message of God’s love. They’re in it, walking alongside, embracing the good, the bad & the ugly and pointing listeners to helpful hints on how to walk the road and thrive instead of simply survive. I’m so humbled that they asked me to join them in outing the ick that hits us daily via comparison.
So – I haven’t listened (and I’m a tiny bit scared to listen, I sound weird to me, and I always hope & pray that I didn’t say anything dumb or too embarrassing about me or the kids – thankful they’re super forgiving and are willing to walk it with me). But here’s the link if you’s like to listen. If nothing else, listen for Jim and John’s very wise insight – and for a good laugh. They’re HILARIOUS!
Here’s another fun surprise (at least for me, you are free to be sick of me by now :) When I went to grab the link, I saw a couple of articles they were nice to include on Today’s Broadcast page. They’re in Focus’ Thriving Family publication. One of them on choosing an attitude of gratitude; the other is from a couple of years ago. Funny thing – it hits on at least a couple of things that help in hydrating for the holidays. (Hmmm… same song, different verse :)
And even last night, chatting with some super fun new friends about contentment in the midst of comparison, an overriding theme kept hitting home – the theme discussed in the article above: OTHERS. There are people on the other side of the honks, the mad dashes, in the long lines – people whose deepest desires are the same as ours: to be loved and to belong.
I was reminded that it’s hard to see the people around me when my eyes are on me.
Comparison, in whatever form it appears – even when it looks a little like mad-dash Christmas-lights-in-October-FOMO (that’s Fear of Missing Out for oldies like me) – puts my eyes smack dab on me. Because we don’t want to be the only house with no lights – or not invited to the party, or unaware of … fill in the blank. The blank stares on most of the faces at last night’s function made me realize that our neighborhood might the only one racing to light the lights. That’s what FOMO does, encourages sanity to leave the building and invites fear to worry us into a race to keep up.
Boo to you FOMO, we’re not buying what you’re selling.
Instead – #hydratefortheholidays
- Let’s practice today an attitude of gratitude – even/especially in the little things. Then we’ll be well hydrated when we we hit a spot where happy thankful thoughts aren’t so readily available (just sayin’)
- And – practice SEEING the people around us – which means a little more others, a little less me :)
- Then consider that in the same way thankfulness quenches soul-thirst, giving IS hydration. Welcome again to counter-intuitive TRUTH – life is in the giving, not the getting. I literally saw it play out at the Dollar Tree in the story shared in article above. If it’s true for a kid, rest assured it’s true for me, too.
That’s it from here.
A very special thanks to Jim, John & Ashley and all the production folks at Focus – thanks for putting up with me (!) and for ALL you do. And thanks to you guys for walking the road with me.