Just for fun and a laugh, I thought I would share a guest article I wrote for Elisa Morgan’s weekly reFill blog. She has a really neat online magazine that you might enjoy called FullFill. Check it out sometime.
The topic for this issue is Friendship. Here’s my take on what true friendship looks like in my life. For those of you who follow theMOATblog on Facebook, yes this was posted yesterday (see I really am techno-challenged!). For those of you who know me well, thanks for putting up with my embarrassing moments. For those of you who don’t know me well, sadly my stories are true. My poor children!
“Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” ~ Sicilian proverb
“Mrs. Wyma?”
“Um … there’s a hole in your pants.”
My daughter, standing next to her truth-telling friend, slightly gasps. Together they try to stuff their snickers. I put my hand back to check. And sure enough, I had a rip in my pants. Not some slight dainty thing on a seam. No, a nice 2-inch flap on my left bum. It surprised me. Not that I’d have a hole (unfortunately I’m no stranger to wardrobe malfunction) but that an 11-year-old would be honest enough to tell an adult something potentially awkward, or dare I say, embarrassing.
But she did. And did so matter-of-factly.
This child’s honesty revealed a lot about our relationship. She cared enough to tell me something that no one else had been brave enough to broach (I’m sure the hole had been there most of the day). Then, without judgment, she was sweet to open the door to laughter. Because really, what else can you do? Life is too short to cry about things like pant holes.
This child is not only my daughter’s friend; but, as revealed by her actions, she is also mine. The best friendships are based on honesty, authenticity, openness, trust and compassion-all of which we crave. But rarely do we feel safe enough to embrace them…
Click here to read the rest: Weekly reFill blog
Thanks FullFill for hosting me… and thanks for walking the road with me.
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