I thought I’d share with you an entry from my sweet friend Dana Finch’s CaringBridge journal. She is smack dab in the middle of a fierce battle with pancreatic cancer. She and her husband Scott have three sons. They’ve lived through what Dana calls the teen testimony writing years – you know the ones where your kids live through many a less than wise decision and gather many a story to add to their testimony (as well as ours!). I’ve always loved her sunny optimism which she regularly shares through updates on her health status and prayer needs.

I hope this story encourages you. You might not be dealing with the same physical challenges as my friend Dana, but we all have those days (especially in parenting) when we so desperately want to see what’s ahead, in our timing, in our strength… just to help us live through today.

Anyway, thanks for letting me share this, Dana…

and thanks for walking the road with me.


The Father gave me such a powerful picture of his control and comfort for us while we were attending the graduation ceremonies I couldn’t wait to share it with you this morning.

While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin I had been watching this beautiful little toddler with her dad…they were seated to the left of us.

The baby wanted so bad to be independent of her father…he finally put her down on the isle next to his chair…the baby pulled up using the handle…laughed with delight…did the little “baby dance” that says…”SEE WHAT I CAN DO BY MYSELF”…you know the one I am talking about.

Then the pomp and circumstance…the professors and speakers came down the middle isle, the music began to play from the stage. I watched this little one sit mesmerized and still. She inevitably began to strain to see up on stage – but had such a small limited view from the floor it was impossible to see “the big picture” of what was happening.

What happened next held me captive as the Father spoke to me.

This little one’s father reached down to lift her up so she could see…as he reached for her she began to shake her head NO, squirm away and fold her arms.

He gently reached around her and lifted her high into his arms…she looked at the stage and grew still. Lifted by his arms, she was able to see what she had been straining to understand from her limited view point.

After a few minutes of watching, she looked her father in the eyes, threw her little arms around his neck and laughed with delight.

A Word from our Guidebook…

“I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters.” says the LORD Almighty. “Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” 2 Corin. 6:18-7:1

As you climb today and strain to see what is happening in your life ahead…instead of doing the “SEE WHAT I CAN DO BY MYSELF” dance, allow the Father to hold you in His arms. Trust Him because He knows the “whole picture” and delights in his love for you.

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