by Kay | Feb 29, 2012 | Heard on the Streed, Laughter
Since my calender challenges took over this week, today’s Table Talk really isn’t a Table Talk . Needless to say, I failed to line up a guest blogger for us. BUT, forgetfulness has ignited my fire to shake the bushes for some terrific folks that love to...
by Kay | Feb 22, 2012 | around the house, Laughter
Today’s guest post is a video by my thirteen-year-old daughter. Inspired by last week’s old lady video, she was all over the chance to share what goes through a kid’s mind when faced with a chore … even a chore that directly benefits them....
by Kay | Jan 6, 2012 | ... on life, Laughter
Great Wave off of Kanagawa by Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai As I place Slow Walker’s edge-removed Eggo waffles on the table (have I mentioned I’m an enabler? the edges off a frozen waffle?… still working on it), I greet my 13-year-old daughter....
by Kay | Dec 5, 2011 | Laughter
“You’re SO MEAN!” “What?!” “You totally slammed the door on me! Then you laughed!!” “Well, I admit I laughed. But I didn’t slam the door on you.” “You SO did!” “I SO DID NOT!”...
by Kay | Nov 28, 2011 | ...on faith, ...on family, Laughter, Reflections
Every Thanksgiving, our family (10 adults and 15 grand-kids) buckles up for one of the more fun rides of our year. We celebrated my brother’s 50th birthday all together at one table! … kids at one end, adults at the other, of course. During the week, we...
by Kay | Nov 22, 2011 | ...on family, Laughter
One of the kids favorite things to do while relishing every minute of what feels like the shortest weeks of our year (an annual Wills family gathering in Arizona for Thanksgiving) is attending my folks church in Cave Creek. Sounds crazy that church would be on their...