| The MOAT Blog by Kay Wyma


“I think I need to go right,” I said to Barton who was riding shotgun. “No,” she rebuked – well, maybe not rebuked, firmly replied. “Just keep going straight. She will tell us when to turn.” The “she” is...
The Glimpse … and Awards

The Glimpse … and Awards

With five kids, not only have the last few weeks been filled with projects, exams, plans, costumes, banquets and like … but award ceremonies. So far, I’ve attended 2 banquets and 3 ceremonies with 2 more to go. At one of the award celebrations, a gal I...
Open Mouth, Insert Apologies … lots of them

Open Mouth, Insert Apologies … lots of them

Anyone that knows me well, knows that when it comes to confession opportunities in prayer, mine are almost always about a mouth that says too much. And I’ve been true to form of late. Saturday, when picking up Jack at birthday party, I had the chance meet someone new....

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